Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The feminine principle

The Feminine Principle

The cervix is a part of the uterus. It  is a very rigid, firm unyielding 1 inch long structure that permits access to the uterine cavity.  It acts as a kind of barrier, selectively opening and softening to allow sperm to enter the uterus, and other times staying firm and closed. Its integrity is vital for sustaining pregnancy and it needs to be surgically tightened if it is rendered incompetent due to any reason. However, during childbirth, when the lady goes into labour, the cervix  undertakes a magical transformation. This begins by a progressive dilatation of the cervix. This very rigid, impenetrable and unbreachable part of the uterus, now starts dilating and losing its distinctiveness. This gradual merging of the cervix with the body of the uterus is called as effacement. The birth of the baby is possible only when the cervix is fully dilated and effaced. The baby is delivered smoothly only due to the total obliteration of this tough muscular resistance.
The ability to efface oneself is the hallmark of  femininity. Femininity is a principle. It is not just restricted to the physical form. The mother is specially endowed with the ability to put her child's interests and welfare above her own self. She can efface herself, her identity, her ego for a larger cause. Effacement is not a sign of weakness. It's the hallmark of her innate strength. The woman principle is one that encompasses the ability to yield, to to tolerate, to be sensitive,to accept, to adapt, to transcend her own interests, to care, to nurture, and to bear. The male principle is about adventure, aggression, subjugation, more programed  to facilitate the role of a provider. These two principles are apparently antagonistic to one another. There is however no hierarchy amongst these two principles. They are complementary to each other.
In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang (dark—bright") describe how apparently opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected and interdependent in the natural world, and how they may give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another.
The feminine principle under provocation can unleash aggression and intimidation that can at times even rise above the masculine principle. There is an oft quoted example of how a young mother almost single handedly lifted an approaching car that threatened to run over her child in the pram.
Since the woman is entrusted with the responsibility of giving birth and also nurturing the new born, she is omnipotent. The feminine principle empowers the woman with an instinctive intelligence and strength as also with a unique ability to efface. The feminine principle sometimes finds it much harder to cut the umbilical cord. Dependence of the offspring is an extension of the strong bonding between the mother and her child. Severing the cord is facilitated by the male principle, with the aim of inculcating survival skills and capabilities.The feminine principle true to its inherent nature eventually has to efface itself for one last time to deliver the now independent offspring from its shackles. The principle highlights its identity by its ability to lose it. Therein lies the strength of this almost divine feminine principle.

Dr. Deepak Ranade

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