Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The Red Shift

The Red Shift.

   In the 1930's, Edwin Hubble discovered that all galaxies have a positive redshift. A red shift is observed due to the stretching of the light waves reaching the observer from an object moving away from him. This is due to the Doppler effect. When light emanating from distant galaxies is spectroscopically analysed, there is a shift in the spectroscopic spectrum towards the red side if the object is moving away, and towards the blue side if the object is moving towards the observer. The red shift observed universally from all the observed galaxies indicated that all galaxies were receding away from the Milky Way. They were racing away from each other. We are part of a dynamic, expanding Universe.
               In trying to solve the differential equations that describe space-time, Einstein needed to add a constant term to avoid having the universe collapse upon itself. This cosmoligical constant was necessary to  balance the attractive force of gravity contributed by all of the matter in the universe. He was looking for something constant in an ever changing universe. He later admitted to this being one of his greatest mistakes in his career. But then, there still remained the enigma of the source of energy  for the universe to continuously expand ? Physicists now hypothesise the existence of a Dark Energy, that fuels this ever accelerating expansion. The dark energy is what actually overcomes the attractive forces of gravity and literally inflates the universe, driving the dots on it further and further away from each other. The universe was getting colder and colder.
     The other day, I visited a relative, who was very close. I quickly realized and experienced this phenomenon of red shift actually applied to relationships too. Everyone seems to be moving apart from everyone. This 'social distancing' is at an emotional level. Let's call it emotional social distancing. Every friend, relative, associate is traveling at his own speed, in his own life. I had made an Einsteinian blunder of assuming an 'emotional' constant. There can never be any such constant in this flux of Life. Instead I soon discovered a dark energy called Ego, which' powers this ever expanding social universe. This dark energy outstrips the benevolent gravitational force of love, compassion, and care. This 'red shift' phenomenon that virtually drives everyone apart is easily noticeable in the rather perfunctory and superficial interactions replacing the warmth and fraternity. There was an obvious thawing of this emotional universe.
       As I observe the successive generations, I can't help notice the increasing 'escape velocity' of every person, racing away from each other. This escape velocity very effectively overcomes the gravitational field of genuine Love  Affection and Empathy. These emotions are fast becoming vestigeal in a very self centered, materialistic life. It might be rather presumptuous and judgemental to label this as degenerative or detrimental. The 'red shift' in relationships and life  is as much a reality as is the red shift seen in an infinitely expanding universe. The speeding apart and away is part of a cosmic design of the physical as also the emotional universe.

Dr. Deepak Ranade.

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