Tuesday, August 4, 2020


Rewiring Neural Networks

He has a very short fuse, that person is too casual in his attitude or then,  she has a very jovial disposition. These are all very characteristic traits by which we categorise people in our lives. They are typical and highly  predictible behavioral patterns.
        Behavior  can be broken down into stereotyped patterns. Such behaviors follow a specific 'fixed action' pattern. They are entirely stimulus based, and are executed in a robotic, mechanical manner. An example is the egg-rolling behavior observed in some birds. When the bird spots an egg-like object in the vicinity of its nest, the bird  begins to roll it towards the nest. Even when  the egg is removed, the bird will continue the behavior until it reaches the nest, without seeming to "realize" that the egg is no longer there. Programmed, embedded software, that ensures a definite behavioral response to a particular stimulus. Slaves of a program, bound by chains of neural networks. Is our response and behaviour a Bio-Mechanic compulsion, entirely involuntary, unfolding at the sub-conscious level?
     Are we controlled by unique neural templates that mediate unique responses. Are we slaves of a program? Do our responses necessarily get defined and  limited by this genetically embedded software? This instinctive response cripples the intellect and makes the subject surrender to a prefixed, predetermined pattern of  behaviour. This typical unique behavioural pattern is the substrate of personality. Personality is a  characteristic way of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Personality includes moods, attitudes, and opinions and is most clearly expressed in interactions with people and situations. It includes behavioral characteristics, both inherent and acquired, that distinguish one person from another.
Can we change these patterns of behavior or are we helplessly trapped in this neuro- hormonal matrix?  Is our behaviour doomed with the curse of incorrigibility? Can we break these patterns of predictibility and press the reset button?  Can  this hard disc be reformatted and  is it possible to rewrite the (ROM) Read Only Memory?
The human brain most certainly  is evolved to rise above this Bio-Mechanic syntax and protocol. It is blessed and fortified with a phenomenon called Neuroplasticity.
Neuroplasticity is the alteration and modification of neural pathways, networks and synapses. This enables the brain to effect synaptic pruning that deletes the neural connections no longer necessary or useful, and strengthens the necessary ones. A rewiring of the neuronal circuits. It perhaps might involve establishing a  connection with a  seat of higher intelligence. Transcending the network mediated Bio-Mechanic responses by reprogramming the perception of the observer. A paradigm shift in the response effected by a fundamental shift  in perception. Instinct is over ridden by a dispassionate conscious deliberation. This transcendence is referred to as opening of the Third Eye in oriental mysticism.
The third eye (also known as the inner eye) is a mystical and esoteric concept referring to a speculative invisible eye which enhances perception beyond ordinary sight.  It provides a third person appraisal of the observed and the observer. It is a witness  of the subject and the object. A non-dual sublime intelligence that pierces the illusion of duality. A perceptive shift that dissolves the personal consciousness into the eternal impersonal consciousness.

Dr Deepak Ranade.

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