Friday, January 15, 2021

Obituary of Deepak Ranade

 Had an interesting discussion with a dear friend, who mentioned a very interesting idea. Of writing ones own obituary. I believe, its the right time to try doing it. A time when, I need to reflect on the mistakes of the past, and engineer the requisite mutations.

Obituary of Deepak Ranade 

1 Oct 1964 - 12th Nov 2020. 

Here lies a man, who lived a bohemian life. Like there was no tomorrow. Spontaneously, impulsively, without any premeditation. Who believed in the apparitions called 'relationships'.

 Who gave unconditionally and magnanimously. Who graciously accepted his mistakes and apologized without hesitation. Who always looked for opportunities to celebrate, bending backwards to accommodate any inconvenience. A possibility thinker, a maverick, who wore his heart on his sleeve. A man who threw conformity to the winds, and yet was paradoxically deeply concerned about others opinions and acceptance. A man who lived and loved without a debit/ credit mindset. A man who had a touch of recklessness, that transcended the ever calculating and strategising mind, to take the path less trodden. A man, whose thought process had the audaciously liberating   'Why not?' never handicapped by the restrictive trappings of 'Why?'

A man who dared to test the limits of his abilities, a man who was willing to accept  failures and humiliations with equanimity. A man who was not oblivious to hurt, but was blessed with greater healing capacities. A man who forgave and then yet again committed the same mistake of believing and trusting. A man who was optimistic even in the most despondent situations, believing in "This too shall pass". A man, who thought all men were  'Men'. Here lies a man who grabbed the 'Bull' of life by its horns, never to be intimidated or fearful of being gored and decimated in the process. Here lie the mortal remains of an eternal zest for life, that could never be tempered or restrained. A zest that consumed the flesh,saturating it with a ravenous appetite for adventure and excitement. 

A man, who was compassionate, considerate and concerned, despite appearing totally casual. A man, who never  had any priorities, other than living the moment to the fullest. A man, who tried to assimilate every subtle nuance and virtue of the people whom he respected. A man who learned something each moment. A man who constantly endeavored to  evolve.  A man who had the courage and resolve to quit a vice for the sake of a man whom he loved like no other. A man, with scant regard for hypocritical morality, and the meaningless callous judgements by  the  high priests, who themselves were masters of moral camouflage. A man who dared to follow his instincts and heart with scant regard to the cost he had to pay. A man who acted, who took the initiative and dived headlong into the icy waters of the unknown, the  unfamiliar, not  afraid of the impact, never nervously dipping the trembling fingers to sound the temperature at the fringes. A man who was an emotional fool, who believed in the fictional world of selflessness and reciprocity. A man, who threw all caution to the wind, and enjoyed the effulgent cool breeze. A man, who was an anachronism, out of synch with everything contemporary. A man, who rightly, didn't deserve to live in these times of vulgar self indulgences and self centered machinations. Here lies the residue of a chemical reaction that combusted, shone and dazzled with unmatched brilliance for just a moment that lasted for an eternity. 

May his soul never rest in peace.

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