Saturday, June 11, 2011

Moving On

Moving On.

One of the hallmarks of evolution has been the increase in the ability of the progressively evolved forms to move. Beginning from the single celled amoeba, which has very restricted motility, creation has ‘moved’ a long way in bestowing speed and agility to its descendants. One of the reasons for this mutative upgrade was to access a wider range of resources like food and water. Restricted motility puts immense strain on the limited resources in an area. When the particular life form moved on, it sought out newer pastures, water holes, and, possibly, a more varied genetic material to conjugate with. The ability to move on became a condition for survival. Movement assumed even greater significance as the various forms started depending on one another for their survival. The agility and speed settings of the predator and the prey having been set very precisely, both were given equal opportunity for survival. Life seemed to be measured by the ability to move.
‘Moving on’ is as critical to our own survival in today’s day and age. . However, man’s obsession with permanence tends to become the source of inertia that resists his ability to move on. An ever-looming uncertainty adds to this very strong desire to cling to the known and the familiar. . The ability to deal with change and adapting to it becomes a tool for survival. . Life , people and circumstances are as ephemeral as the designs in a kaleidoscope. We might love a particular design immensely but all that is needed is just a tap and the design changes, never to be the same ever again. Being emotionally mobile or in other words being able to move on could help us reach out to greener pastures. “ and to tap into better resources within ourselves.
Being constantly aware of change is best illustrated by the fable of this King. He was perpetually facing trying situations and hence consulted a learned sage about how he could deal with his problemsThe sage gave the King a piece of paper and asked him to open it and read the contents only if he was in the midst of an insurmountable difficulty.
As the days passed, there came many a moment when the King was tempted to open the paper but he desisted . Eventually, one day, when he was on the verge of ending his life because of a situation he was in, he finally opened the paper. In it was written, “This too shall pass”. If one doesn’t choose to move on, life anyway does. So our attempts to keep trying holding on to are also futile. As futile as probably scooping up water from the river and believing one has held it. Reluctance to move on makes us susceptible to predation by despair, despondence and pain. These are the emotional predators, that don’t deliver the killing bite. They just gorge on the vitality and render the victim helpless and incapacitated. Moving on assumes life- sustaining importance. If moving on is so crucial, we must find joy in the movement, which is very dynamic and therefore, refreshing. Movement is redemption. If inevitable, then it cannot be wrong. Evolution triggers changes that are meant for the betterment of the race and form.
If evolution demands movement, it must pave the road for our betterment. Perhaps, moving on is the prerequisite for transcending our consciousness to the next level. To realise and identify ourselves as being that which does not change, “the observer”.
Dr Deepak M. Ranade

1 comment:

Renu Soman said...

Good succinct writing again. As a macro view, 'moving on' could be good or right, as put in the larger context of evolution. But we are humans, 'ajab rasayan'. We love to wallow in our own pain. Like " dard jo beet gaya, guzar kyon nahin jata". 'Move on' yes, but only if it is an observed outcome and not the planned purpose. In 'moving on' the purpose itself could prove to be a baggage or weight, right? Which obstructs the 'move ment' . All for Sahaj Saakshi Bhaav. And Tao says inaction too is an action, then why move at all? :)