Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ananda and multicellular organisms

Article was featured in the Sunday edition of Speaking Tree , 5th May 2013

All  creation is energy manifesting  in different forms. As postulated by Einstein in his famous E=mc2 equation , and later, verified under rather tragic circumstances, mass and energy are interconvertible. Energy and matter however display a conjugal  relationship. Energy excites matter, and  increases  its  disorder or "entropy"
Entropy is  the  measure of the disorder ,randomness,or  chaos in a given system.  As we heat water, the molecules get agitated and after a point, water begins to boil.  Heat, or thermal energy increases the entropy of water, and further heating causes the water to change its state, and evaporate. The tendency to disseminate  and equilibrate matter and energy across the entire universe is the basis of entropy. 
The entropy of the universe  is always increasing with time. That's a universally accepted and proven law. Time is a program that travels unidirectionally, from order to disorder. Logic however demands, that  the  reverse journey, viz disorder to order  must also  exist. When we tidy up our room that was in disarray, we are taking this path. Information systems are another example of decreasing entropy. Greater the information about a system, lesser is the chaos and disorder. The  DNA  represents a highly complex code of information. It precisely determines the structure and  function of the organism in a very orderly an structured manner. 
Szent-Gyorgyi , (the nobel  prize winner for his work on negative entropy,)postulates that there exists what he calls the "principle" of syntropy or "negative entropy." Since entropy is a universal "force" which causes organized  systems  to gradually disintegrate into lower and lower states of organisation, there has to be an opposite force, a force which causes living things to reach "higher and higher levels of organization, order and dynamic harmony."
Inanimate nature stops at the low level organization of simple molecules. 
But living systems go on and combine molecules to form macromolecules, macromolecules to form organelles (such as nuclei, mitochondria, chloroplasts, ribosomes, and membranes) and eventually put these all together to form the greatest wonder of creation, a cell, with its astounding inner regulations. The multi cellular organism, is a miracle of sorts. All the organs working independently, yet cohesively and synergistically. The billions of cells, each a unit by itself, working congruently, synchronously in a dynamic harmony.
This complex ,structured organisation of cells has become more and more complex since evolution. This is in conflict with the  law that says the entropy of the universe is always increasing.
Who is the conductor of this symphony of billions, of multicellular life forms ?
It is  a force, that is  conscious,intelligent ,pulsating and simultaneously blissful. " Satchitananda" is how it is described in the scriptures. This life force, orchestrates the plurality of cells with a  "syntropic " baton.
The  highest state of this "dynamic harmony" , a state of zero entropy or total syntropy may be the "Shiva" state.  
"Shakti" is  this entropy, that combines  with "Shiva" in varying proportions to manifest as creation.  Matter, is condensation of energy and energy , sublimation of matter. Matter and energy are inter convertible, but it's only when they are sanctified  by syntropy or "Shiva", that they manifest as life forms, to eventually evolve as the epitome of creation -  as "self realised " beings.
Consciousness may therefore not an emergent phenomenon, as believed by most neuroscientists, but a quantum coherence, a state of zero entropy, a "Shiva" state. 
Manifest creation  is a synergy of  syntropy and entropy,a  cosmic waltz  of "Shiva" and " Shakti" . A conjugal bliss of the apparent and  the immanent .
And "Brahman "the stage on which this dance is performed. 

Dr  Deepak M Ranade
(The author is a consultant neurosurgeon-

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