Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Binary expression of manifestation

Duality, the binary code of creation

Binary numbers were first described in Chandashutram written by Pingala in 100 BC. A  mathematician and philosopher by the name of George Boole published a paper in 1847 called 'The Mathematical Analysis of Logic'  now known as Boolean algebra. Boole’s system was based on binary, a yes-no, on-off approach. Claude  Shannon , a graduate student in MIT,noticed that the Boolean algebra was similar to an electric circuit. Shannon implemented his findings in his thesis, which  triggered the use of the binary code in practical applications such as computers, electric circuits, etc.
In simple terms, the binary code converts all information into a code, a bit, that either can be a "on" or "off". A "1" or a "0"
All the complex data that is transferred via the information technology revolution is actually transmitted as a  series of  of "on " s and  "off "s

The on and off  or 1 and 0 represent two states,  presence and absence. A duality of being and not being. The transmitting computer codes the data into this simplified binary signal, a machine language, that is incomprehensible to our conventional sense organs. It transmits this signal as a coded                     "off and on "signals . The receiving computer then decodes  this data,reconverts it into information  comprehensible to our gross senses. 
This binary system reduces all information to an "either or " paradigm, and then disseminates this information at speeds that depend on the bandwidth of the communication pathways. 
The brain, all it's intricate networks notwithstanding is also a data processing application, that not only codes and decodes but also simultaneously  generates, stores and processes data.  All that we experience, understand, comprehend  may also be transmitted and stored as a code that has "being " and "non-being" as a  bit of information in the "brain language".
Presence and absence are the units of manifestation. Consciousness supersedes both these states, as nothing also needs to be perceived. 
The tangible being expressed as a  probability of being existent or  non existent, entirely relying on cognition.  Like the paradoxical Schrodingers cat  simultaneously  dead and alive. 
For  cognition  of something existing,  a state of non-existence has to exist simultaneously. These two states are not mere opposites, but rather are complementary to one another. Each depends on the other for its comprehension. " To Be or not To Be" are the units the of expression and comprehension of this manifestation . The standard model  in physics also predicts the existence of an equal and oppositely charged particle for every subatomic particle. Anti matter is the predicted complementary opposite of matter. Quantum physics becomes incomprehensible because it is attempting to look at the conventional "either or " paradigm of  binary with a  holistic                  "and "simultaneity . The wave particle binary being reinterpreted as a perceptive delusion of  singularity. 
The brain can comprehend, store and communicate only in a binary code
"pleasure-pain, light-dark, black-white, and so on all complementary opposites.
As information gets more complex, this binary code gets further intricate reigning in shades of subtleties, but the basic "on off "remaining the fundamental  units.
 Time and space are units of the matrix, necessary to separate being and non being.  These two parameters are necessary to delude a discreteness  spatio-temporally , to generate an illusion of separateness. 
The perceiving entity or consciousness has the discriminatory ability to comprehend both states, being and non being. This state has to be supra existential, and would comprehend "non existence", as the complementary of existence.  To comprehend non existence as a "state" rather than merely an absence or void. 
All manifestation is a binary encoded expression of  "being" and " non-being" and  realisation is a state of holistic non polarised awareness that the ultimate truth is beyond  being and non being,  beyond time and space,  from eternity to eternity in eternity.

Dr Deepak M Ranade
(The author is a consultant Neurosurgeon -